martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Video Pad

VideoPad is editing software that helps in the enhancement of videos to give them a professional touch. It has many tools that can help you transform your homemade videos and share them with friends and family through various media. Here are some of the features of this software:


The effects in this software allow you to select from an array of fading transitions, preview them as real time applications and also set the time of the chosen effect. Therefore, you get to choose the manner in which the effects take place, control the amount of time for the effects, and preview them like they were final products.


With VideoPad, you can easily add digital images and pictures, while also adjusting the brightness and contrast for your video. You can create effects similar to those found in old images and videos by applying the black and white effects. You can also play around with the sepia and negative toned effects. VideoPad allows you to input text or captions onto the video as well. There is also a set of great audio tools to experiment with.

Audio Tools

You can import set musical tracks or be more creative and come up with your own by combining two or more tracks. This tool also allows you to select or make your own soundtrack for your video. You can even input your own words into a narration on the video or if you have an existing one, you can simply import that to be added to the final product.

Computer security

Computer security (also known as cybersecurity or IT security) is information security as applied to computing devices such as computers and smartphones , as well as computer networks such as private and public networks, including the Internet as a whole.
The field covers all the processes and mechanisms by which computer-based equipment, information and services are protected from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction.

How to delete your mark on the internet?

If you want delete your mark on the internet,you must follow several steps:

  • First step:    Deletes accounts:

 As already mentioned, it is possible that you have registered in more places than you remember. Of the best known sites, it is preferable that you delete the account yourself when you're trying to disappear Internet. This does not necessarily resolve the issue of the deep memory of the web, but a good comienzo.La following list will help you make it easier for you to learn how to start unsubscribe from the major sites.

If one of your accounts only provide you the action to disable rather than delete, try to contact some of the social network engineer or delete that account all your personal data and cambial name.

  • Second step 

Close your personal sites, like blogs. If you have created Web sites, you'll need to remove them completely.

  • Third step:
Check with your phone company to make sure your number is not contained in any online directory. If you are, ask them to remove completely all the details. Same for any other customer database that could cause your name and details are online.


Prezi allows anyone who diagrame an idea about a simple napkin to create and perform stunning non-linear presentations with connections between different presentations, zoom in on details, and an adjustment of time without the need to skip slides. 

Used to organize ideas in a dynamic way.

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014


GIMP is a programm to edit pictures,it is difficult when you are a begginer, we worked with it in the computing class we did three works, the first one consisted in mix several layers, we used a background image of a place and then we used others pictures.
The second work consisted in use a picture of Juanelo our highschool and then we mix it with a picture of Don Juan Tenorio.
The last work consisted in use a fruit backgound image and then mixing layers of faces, and finally you get a funny fruit.

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

Computer Network

A computer network is a group of computer systems and other computing hardware devices that are linked together through communication channels to facilitate communication and resource-sharing among a wide range of users. Networks are commonly categorized based on their characteristics.

Types of Computer Networks:

  • Depending on its size or coverage area:
-LAN (Local Area Network):It is a computer network that use interconnects computers in a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office building using network media. 

 -PAN (Personal Area Network):A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network used for data transmission among devices such as computers, telephones and personal digital assistants. PANs can be used for communication among the personal devices themselves (intrapersonal communication), or for connecting to a higher level network and the Internet (an uplink).
   -WAN (Wide Area Network):is a network that covers a broad area (any        telecommunications network that links across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries) using private or public network transports.
-MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): It´s for a city.


  •   Depending on your level of access or privacy:
-Internet :It is a worldwide network of computer networks. Have    public access.
 -Intranet: It is a local network that uses Internet tools (web, mail, ftp, ...). It can be considered as a private Internet which operates within the same institution.

-Extranet:  It is a virtual private network, that is part of the Intranet of an organization extends beyond users.

  • According to their functional relationship:
-P2P(Peer to Peer): All devices can act as clients or servers.

The client–server model of computing is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service.     

  • According to the typology:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  • According to physical medium:
-Wireless: Wireless networks are computer networks that are not connected by cables of any kind.
 -Mixed :
-Wired:A wired network is one  in wich all the components are conected with networks cables.                                                                                                    
Characteristics of computer network

The computers are comunicated through a protocol with numerical adress,it´s the IP.
An IP address is a numerical label that identifies a logical and hierarchical manner, to an interface (communication element / connection) of a device (usually a computer) within a network using (Internet Protocol) IP protocol, which corresponds at the network layer of the OSI model.

  • Types of IP :
-Type A: they are the networks with a IP direction between and

-Type B: they are the networks  with a IP direction between and

-Type C: they are the networks with a IP direction between and

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

QR codes

Código QR (abreviado a partir del código Quick Response). El código QR es un sistema que almacena información acerca de una matriz de puntos o de código de barras de dos dimensiones. El código consta de módulos de negro dispuestos en un cuadrado sobre un fondo blanco. La información codificada puede ser texto, URL o de otros datos. Sus tres esquinas cuadradas permiten al lector a determinar la posición exacta de hacer. El sistema de puntos fue creado por la compañía japonesa Denso-Wave en 1994.

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014


For about five years ago, we've all experienced at least once "phubbing" during a meeting or a family meal. This massive practice lacked a name until recently but its consequences were significant for everybody. It began the year 2007 with the birth of the smartphone or smart phone, summarizing in a few inches the power of a desktop computer. With the ability to stay connected to the Internet anytime and anywhere, this obsessive practice that perpetuate many without even knowing it was generalized. 

The "phubbing" (a term formed from words phone and snubbing) is the act of belittling who accompanies us to pay more attention to mobile or other electronics things  before than pay attention to the person. It has recently been named in U.S.


A picture taken of yourself that is planned to be uploaded to Facebook, Myspace or any other sort of social networking website. You can usually see the person's arm holding out the camera in which case you can clearly tell that this person does not have any friends to take pictures of them so they resort to Myspace to find internet friends and post pictures of themselves, taken by themselves. A selfie is usually accompanied by a kissy face or the individual looking in a direction that is not towards the camera.